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Writer's picture: Deb Wood, PhD, NDDeb Wood, PhD, ND

I have a dear friend whom I love to quote: "You're not the boss of me," she says, and we laugh. I now say this boldly and defiantly to the ones in this Nation and the World who (W.H.O.) violated our trust:

  • We thought we voted for you, fair and square, and now learn that you cheated. Shame on you

  • We trusted that you would do an honest job because you, like us, cared about this country and family, and God. We were wrong. You don't. You only care about YOUR financial status. Shame on you.

  • We believed you had our best interests at heart. We were wrong again. You don't. Shame on you.

  • You said you believed in God but you follow our enemy: Lucifer. Shame on you.

  • You were supposed to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. You lied. You sold us to these enemies. Shame on you.

  • You lied about masks, viruses, 9-11, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, The Titanic, Pearl Harbor, you financed Hitler, you harassed our farmers, killed our warriors, call us names, and now brain wash and kidnap our children, and worse. Shame on you.

  • You turn us against each other by using the media to lie to us and about us. We aren't racists - you are. Shame on you.

YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF US - WE ARE THE BOSS OF YOU. You are about to learn this as we remove you from the offices of the sacred trust in which you violated.
We are done with you.

I borrowed the following from a fellow Christian. It says everything. I think it is all that needs to be said because it inspires us to TAKE BACK AMERICA.

These words, like the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, encourage us to take a stand and bring back the freedoms we've lost by giving our power to our so-called "leaders."

So we are supposed to embrace this new "woke" culture. Three things prevent me from doing that.

  • First, I would have to deny the word of God,

  • Secondly, I would have to give up my core beliefs and

  • Thirdly, I would have to deny my own personal experiences.

I can not be woke to the idea that there are more than 2 genders when God said he created two.

I can not be woke to the idea that the 70 million souls that were denied the right to ever have one breath of freedom were just blobs of flesh and cannot deny that life begins at conception when God says that he placed me in my mother's womb with his own hands.

I cannot be woke to the idea that a child born into abject poverty up a dirt road in Appalachia in a home that is cold in the winter and hot in the summer with no safe drinking water is somehow privileged.

I cannot be woke to the idea that I can ask forgiveness for any sin that I have committed but am somehow responsible for the sins of people who died before I was born.

I am not woke to the idea that we should go back to judging men by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

I cannot be woke to the idea of a biological male being in the bathroom or locker room with my Granddaughter.

The United States is not just a country. It is also an Ideal. An ideal that we have not always lived up to, but men and women of great moral courage such as John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B Anthony, Robert Kennedy, and Dr Martin Luther King have always encouraged us to live up to that ideal from the beginning of the republic.

They never encouraged us to look back with a pointing finger of condemnation but rather look forward and work together to make us that Shining City on A Hill that we were intended to be.

No nation on Earth has ever provided more economic, political, or religious freedom than the United States. We don't need woke. We need an awakening back to the morals, values, and beliefs that made this country great.

How Do We Fight When We've Never Read the Constitution?
Get Ready to Learn After Our Constitution

Course Overview The Constitution established a limited government, but a government with sufficient powers to protect Americans’ God-given rights to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This course examines the design and purpose of the Constitution, the challenges it faced during the Civil War, how it has been undermined for over a century by progressivism and post-1960s liberalism, and how limited government under the Constitution might be revived.

Course Lectures 1 The Theory of the Declaration and the Constitution The form of government prescribed by the Constitution is based on the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. These two documents establish the formal and final causes of the United States and make possible the freedom that is the birthright of all Americans. 2 Natural Rights and the American Revolution The principle of equality—which means no person may rule over another without his consent—is central to the political theory of the American Founding. Not only did it justify the Revolution, it also led to the creation of a government whose purpose is securing the natural rights of its citizens. 3 Majority Tyranny and the Necessity of the Union The Articles of Confederation was America’s first attempt at establishing a national union. However, in many of the states, unchecked legislative majorities frequently trampled on the natural rights of minorities and disregarded the nearly powerless federal government. This experience of unstable and unjust government led to calls for a firmer union. 4 Consent of the Governed and the Separation of Powers The Framers understood that the “latent causes of faction . . . are sown in the nature of man.” Consequently, the Constitution establishes a number of institutional mechanisms such as representation and separation of powers to control the effects of faction. In so doing, the Constitution improved upon previous models of republican government. 5 “To Secure These Rights”: Property, Morality, and Religion While the first purpose of government is to protect citizens from foreign and domestic threats, it must also undertake other essential actions in order to secure natural rights. These include the protection of property rights, the defense of religious liberty, and the promotion of the moral character necessary to sustain free government. 6 Slavery and the Roots of the Secession Crisis Contrary to the Founders’ guiding principle of equality and their hopes for eventual abolition, slavery not only survived but spread and became entrenched in the South. Subsequently, a new ideology arose in defense of slavery, which rejected the principles of the Founding and fueled the sectional crisis that led to the Civil War. 7 Secession and Civil War The South’s justification for secession was based on an erroneous reading of the Constitution. Whereas the South claimed a legal right to secede, Lincoln opposed what he called an illegal insurrection and sought to secure a “new birth of freedom” in America. 8 The Progressive Rejection of the Founding Progressives rejected the timeless principles of the American Founding and instead argued that the ends of government ought to be relative to historical circumstances. They viewed the Constitution as a “living” document, which could be transformed to meet the exigencies of the modern age. 9 The New Deal and the Rise of the Administrative State Progressives sought to circumvent the separation of powers by arguing that there are two functions of government: politics and administration. The task of the political branches is to promote a unified vision for the country. The job of the administrative agencies is to implement this vision by means of regulations and guided by scientific expertise. 10 The Administrative State Today The modern administrative state transformed the American republic into an oligarchy. Today, an elite and insular administrative class rules without the consent of American citizens. Moreover, administrative rule is both anti-constitutional and pre-constitutional, because it replaces the rule of law with unaccountable regulatory agencies. 11 Post-Sixties Liberalism and Contemporary Politics As American politics underwent a substantial change in the 1960s, a new idea of justice emerged. One of the central tenets of this ideology was a politics of liberation and social justice. It aimed at remaking American society by means of divisive policies that serve individual groups rather than the common good. 12 A Path to Restoration Centralized bureaucratic government—although dominant in many countries today—remains deeply unpopular because it runs counter to the nature of man. The solution rests in the principles and form of government prescribed by the Founders.


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