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The Sheriff : America's Last Hope - 8/11/21

Hey Everyone.

I hope you had a fantastic 4th of July/Independence Day and are excited to see some good changes in our country. I've heard from National leaders that if we want to take back our country - we need to get involved at the local levels.

So, rather than sit back and complain or be afraid - I'm doing just that and would love for you to join me and other Americans

I'm not a fan of Democrats and haven't been real happy with Republicans, so where does that leave us? I don't believe this is a fight between Democrats and Republicans, I'm not a fan of either. This is a fight to save America - a fight to protect our children, our families, our freedoms. It is a fight between good and evil.

We are Americans.

We are Patriots! People who love America and the Constitution. In studying the Constitution, I discovered Sheriff Mack out in Arizona. I love what he is doing and what he says:

Sheriff Mack teaches about the Constitution and how the Sheriff's of America are the top law enforcement officers in the Nation. They took an oath to protect us from tyranny - foreign and domestic. No one in Sheriff Macks counties were allowed to be forced to wear masks or be vaccinated against their will. He is educating Americans, one county or state at a time. Sheriff's are required by the Constitution of the United States to protect the citizens - not the corporations.

And he is coming here to Virginia on August the 11th. We also have a very special mystery guest speaker coming. You will be surprised and amazed. I will let you know the venue this week.

This isn't about politics. It's about We the People's rights, and the responsibilities of our sheriff's to protect us. If you don't know about the Constitution, read about it now, and don't miss these future event.

More coming ... Stay tuned.

Be Well ~ Be Safe ~ Be Happy
Know Your Constitution
It's our Safety Net and Our Citizen's Power
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